RepDaily Helping Sales Reps Positively Impact More Prospects Sun, 28 Apr 2019 18:02:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RepDaily 32 32 141698695 It’s Monday and I feel like I’m failing Tue, 30 Apr 2019 11:30:09 +0000 When was the last time you woke up on a Monday and thought, “I’m going to own this week!”? Today […]

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When was the last time you woke up on a Monday and thought, “I’m going to own this week!”?

Today is not one of those Mondays for me…

I can’t really pinpoint why I feel like I’m failing and a sense of uncertainty.

Generally, I have long and short-term goals in place and am making progress towards them on a daily basis. The last couple weeks, I’ve just been a little “off” and it sucks!

Most of us have these times in our lives, both personally and professionally. So how the hell do you deal with this lost feeling?

The trick is figuring out what it is that’s standing in your way, accepting it’s there and implementing a plan to get around it. This has always been my preferred method to getting back on track.

What is contributing to these feelings of doubt and hopelessness?

There are countless reasons you may feel the way you do. Your job, your relationship with your family, the future, or whatever else. We as humans all experience most of the same feelings and deal with very similar stressers.

Tony Robbins has shared with what he feels are the 6 Basic Needs That Make Us Tick.

I think doing a crosscheck on how these 6 Needs are being addressed in your life will provide a better understanding of what may be contributing to your perceived “rut”.

It is what it is and that’s okay

Pretty much everything we encounter day to day is out of our control. We cannot control how the person at the cash register treats us. We cannot control the weather or traffic.

However, we can control how we perceive those things.

Stuck in traffic? Great! Now you can turn on that audiobook you’ve been wanting to listen to.

Snowstorm have your car blocked in? Break out the sled!

We too often allow our life to be projected to us, as opposed to writing our own story and perceiving situations in a way that contributes to how we actually want to live life.

Take control of your thoughts to take control of your life.

My question to you;

Taking a step back and think about a frustrating situation that happened either today or yesterday. Can you think of an angle which may have allowed you to see the silver lining instead?

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Cleaning up your social media before applying to a Medical Sales Job Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:21:44 +0000 Often people ask me if I look at social media when before hiring a Medical Sales candidate. My answer, absolutely! […]

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Often people ask me if I look at social media when before hiring a Medical Sales candidate.

My answer, absolutely!

And it turns out I’m not the only one.

Based on a study conducted by Career Builder,  70 percent of employers use social media when screening candidates. 54 percent admit not hiring a candidate due to their social media profile.

When hiring a new Medical Sales Rep, finding one with the right character profile is extremely important.

Social media provides a snapshot of our lives and unfortunately, most people aren’t worrying about filtering their private endeavors before sharing with the rest of planet Earth.

Employers even have access to online tools like Fama to screen candidates’ social media accounts for certain known risk factors. Yikes!

So you have some iffy stuff, now what? 

There are two ways to mitigate the risk here, utilize an online reputation management software like or do it on your own. BrandYourself is an awesome gift from the parents, BTW. 😉

6 important steps to take BEFORE submitting your professionally written resume to a Medical Sales Job

  1. Search your name: Searching yourself will give you a quick snapshot of pictures easily accessible on the world wide web.
  2. Delete your inappropriate photos and posts:  Pictures of you and your family on vacation or you climbing Mount Everest are great. However, it may not be a good idea to show the world how much “fun” you had at your friend’s bachelor/bachelorette party.
  3. Untag yourself in others’ photos deemed inappropriate (see step 2)
  4. Upload a professional photo as your profile picture: Please don’t run out to JC Penny and grab a glamour shot. Instead, opt for something a bit more business casual. Search for successful people on LinkedIn in a similar role – start there.
  5. Update your information on all personal platforms: Chances are you have had your Facebook and other social media accounts for over 5 years and your “About Me” may read a bit differently if you wrote it today than it did in High School. It is very important to maintain consistency and maintain the same “version” of you across all platforms.
  6. Beef up your LinkedIn profile and add your resume: This could be one of the most important steps you take. LinkedIn is a very powerful tool when networking and looking for work. This will be an integral part of your search process and again, you must provide the best version of yourself here. Upload your resume and a well-articulated cover letter to your profile.

Medical Sales Social Cleanup

Now that you have sharpened the axe, it’s time to use it! The next frontier… networking your butt off.

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Landing a Medical Sales Job in 2018 – Step by Step Guide Fri, 30 Mar 2018 18:14:12 +0000 If you are considering a Medical Sales job, landing a role in the Healthcare Sales industry is tough. Like 1 […]

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If you are considering a Medical Sales job, landing a role in the Healthcare Sales industry is tough. Like 1 in 1000 tough… seriously!

Anytime I have posted a Medical Sales Rep role, I am immediately inundated with resumes. Heck, I even receive resumes from Physicians!

You are standing in a room with 999 people – each about the same age and status. Someone at the front of the room is holding a check for $100K dollars, dying to give it away to their next Medical Sales Rep.

Do you think they would pick you?

Differentiating yourself can be difficult, but it’s the only way to even get a shot.

So I have to stand out… But how?

If I were starting over and looking to get into a Medical Sales Career, below are the steps I would take to firm up my Value Proposition to Employers:

1. Get help with your resume: 

There are specific components within the resume recruiters look for. You can do it yourself or contact a recruiter specialized in Medical Sales to polish and shine my “value proposition”, aka resume. Do a quick search on Google to find a reputable one.

If it were me, I would have Jessica Holbrook Hernandez at fix me up. If you work with her, let her know RepDaily sent you over. BTW; we do not benefit from this.

2. Clean up and strengthen your social media accounts:

When considering a candidate, one of the first things looked at is their social media profiles; including LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. There are many professionals who will help you with this as well. However, if you want to give it a shot yourself, here is a link to our Social Media Cleanup post.

3. Get educated and educate yourself:

There are several technical schools or certification programs specializing in the field of Medical Sales – including pharmaceutical, orthopedics, biologics and cardiovascular.  There is also endless information online. These will not guarantee a job, but they definitely help you stand out from the crowd.

For example, if I were looking to get into the Orthopedic Device Sales segment, I would absolutely consider attending the 6-week program with Medical Sales College. Not only will they get you trained up on the technical side, but they are also great at job placement.

4. Network:

Make it a point to connect with whomever you can within the industry. This includes recruiters, Physicians and sales reps within the field you are interested in. I can tell you first-hand as an employer a referral is much more valuable than a resume.

Linkedin is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. There wouldn’t be a day during my search I wouldn’t be on LinkedIn networking with recruiters, Sales Reps and Sales Managers. My main target would be Sales Managers within the market I’m considering.

5. Be willing to “prove yourself”:

As a newbie within the space, you are at the bottom of the totem pole. It is very rare for a rookie to be handed the keys to the car without driving around the neighborhood with Mom and Dad first. For a new rep within my organization, there is a period of about 6 months of hustle without making much of an income.

When I made the transition, I offered to work for free with no promise of salary. After a couple months, I had tripled the business and was offered a respectable base.

Get ready for the most rewarding, fulfilling, exciting and terrifying sales job out there. Yes, it can be terrifying at times. But it’s all worth it. 

If there are any specific questions you are searching for answers to or want to suggest a topic to cover, please let me know.

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5 resume writing tips when applying to a Medical Sales Job Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:52:24 +0000 The average time it takes for a hiring manager to review a resume is 8 to 10 seconds… 8 to […]

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Those first 8 seconds
Could you last 8 seconds?

The average time it takes for a hiring manager to review a resume is 8 to 10 seconds… 8 to 10 seconds!

Out of the hundreds of other applicants, do you feel confident your resume would “cut the mustard”?

You are a needle in a haystack

First of all, you must never forget the competitiveness surrounding any medical sales job out there.

Believe me, I know. I’ve been in your shoes, fighting tooth and nail to earn an opportunity. I’ve also hired many medical sales reps throughout my career.

There are many ways to “stand out”, but it’s all for not if your resume falls flat.

You have two options;

  1. Write your resume yourself
  2. Hire a Professional Resume Writer

There isn’t a right or wrong decision here, but it’s important you know how to convey why you are the best choice for the role.

You can find a list of recommended Professional Medical Device Resume Writers at this link.

Either way, it must be done right

Making the first impression is important. If you decide to take on the duties yourself, below are a few pointers to get you going on the right track;

  1. Always provide a tailored cover letter. Use these couple paragraphs to demonstrate directly how your skills match the medical sales role they are looking to fill. You can also utilize this chance to prove you have done your homework on the role itself and the organization. has put together a great article on creating the perfect cover letter.
  2. Only use black font, in a standard font style. Something like Calibri or Times New Roman is acceptable. In my opinion, it looks unprofessional when I see purple font on a resume.
  3. Keep it simple. Please do not write a resume that reads like a book. Recruiters do not have time to read about how you scored your first home run in the 2nd grade or your how you won your local bowling league. Yes, that stuff is cool, but nobody has time for that!
  4. Highlight the parallels between your experience and the job posting. Your relevant experience and achievements must jump off of the page immediately. Otherwise… NEXT!
  5. Thou shalt not lie. It is absolutely imperative to be factual when stating education, certifications and employment dates. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if there was ever a discrepancy down the line, you could be without a job.

Road Less Traveled


Considering the bullets above, which do you think is the most important or difficult to accomplish?


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The RepDaily Mission – Nothing Happens Until Someone Sells Something Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:17:32 +0000 First of all, thanks a ton for visiting my Blog! Why I started RepDaily This has been a project I […]

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First of all, thanks a ton for visiting my Blog!

Why I started RepDaily

This has been a project I have been pondering and preparing to launch for a couple years now. Finally, I took it from the back burner to the front.

The mission of RepDaily is simple;

Be a platform in which sales reps can educate and be educated both personally and professionally.

Being a sales rep is an extremely rewarding career path. There is a sense of pride I get when I proclaim my profession.

Thanks from RepDaily

My Promise to You

Through RepDaily, I will try my best to bring you everything I have learned throughout my career that has led to my success and failures. I am not perfect and nor do I pretend to be. However, there are things I can share that has worked and hasn’t.

RepDaily will also feature weekly interviews with some of the Sales Industry’s top Reps, sharing insights to their success, and top Sales Recruiters giving you what they are looking for in a Rep.

As well, I’m including my Tool Box, which holds many of the different applications and gadgets myself and other Sales Reps utilize on a daily basis. Many are either free or are discounted for RepDaily visitors.

My hope is that I can help enlighten and guide you through this process to achieve true fulfillment in your life both professionally and personally.

Good Luck!

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