It's Monday and I feel like I'm failing

When was the last time you woke up on a Monday and thought, "I'm going to own this week!"?

Today is not one of those Mondays for me...

I can't really pinpoint why I feel like I'm failing and a sense of uncertainty.

Generally, I have long and short-term goals in place and am making progress towards them on a daily basis. The last couple weeks, I've just been a little "off" and it sucks!

Most of us have these times in our lives, both personally and professionally. So how the hell do you deal with this lost feeling?

The trick is figuring out what it is that's standing in your way, accepting it's there and implementing a plan to get around it. This has always been my preferred method to getting back on track.

What is contributing to these feelings of doubt and hopelessness?

There are countless reasons you may feel the way you do. Your job, your relationship with your family, the future, or whatever else. We as humans all experience most of the same feelings and deal with very similar stressers.

Tony Robbins has shared with what he feels are the 6 Basic Needs That Make Us Tick.

I think doing a crosscheck on how these 6 Needs are being addressed in your life will provide a better understanding of what may be contributing to your perceived "rut".

It is what it is and that's okay

Pretty much everything we encounter day to day is out of our control. We cannot control how the person at the cash register treats us. We cannot control the weather or traffic.

However, we can control how we perceive those things.

Stuck in traffic? Great! Now you can turn on that audiobook you've been wanting to listen to.

Snowstorm have your car blocked in? Break out the sled!

We too often allow our life to be projected to us, as opposed to writing our own story and perceiving situations in a way that contributes to how we actually want to live life.

Take control of your thoughts to take control of your life.

My question to you;

Taking a step back and think about a frustrating situation that happened either today or yesterday. Can you think of an angle which may have allowed you to see the silver lining instead?

The RepDaily Mission - Nothing Happens Until Someone Sells Something

First of all, thanks a ton for visiting my Blog!

Why I started RepDaily

This has been a project I have been pondering and preparing to launch for a couple years now. Finally, I took it from the back burner to the front.

The mission of RepDaily is simple;

Be a platform in which sales reps can educate and be educated both personally and professionally.

Being a sales rep is an extremely rewarding career path. There is a sense of pride I get when I proclaim my profession.

Thanks from RepDaily

My Promise to You

Through RepDaily, I will try my best to bring you everything I have learned throughout my career that has led to my success and failures. I am not perfect and nor do I pretend to be. However, there are things I can share that has worked and hasn't.

RepDaily will also feature weekly interviews with some of the Sales Industry's top Reps, sharing insights to their success, and top Sales Recruiters giving you what they are looking for in a Rep.

As well, I'm including my Tool Box, which holds many of the different applications and gadgets myself and other Sales Reps utilize on a daily basis. Many are either free or are discounted for RepDaily visitors.

My hope is that I can help enlighten and guide you through this process to achieve true fulfillment in your life both professionally and personally.

Good Luck!